Search Engine Round

10 Hacks To Help Boost Your Organic Search Traffic

boost your organic traffic


SEO today is not a fixed rule book. In fact, it is more like a moving target. As Google’s algorithms change, so too must your SEO strategy. This can be frustrating for business owners and marketers who want to see results from their hard work immediately.

Google’s search parameters are constantly evolving to better reflect the way people actually search for things. As a result, today’s SEO is about much more than just cramming keywords into your website’s content. It’s about creating a comprehensive and well-rounded online presence that can stand up to Google’s ever-changing standards.

What is organic search traffic

Organic search traffic is the traffic that comes to your website through a search engine, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Even social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook can be considered search engines. This type of traffic is free and occurs as a result of someone searching for something related to your business or website on a search engine and then clicking on your listing in the search results.

How important is organic search traffic?

Organic search traffic is quite important because it is one of the main ways that people find websites and businesses online. Search engines are used by millions of people every day, so if you can optimize your website to rank higher in search results, you will likely see more organic search traffic. Many different search engines have different algorithms for ranking websites, but they all take into account things like the quality of your website content, the popularity of your website, and how relevant your website is to the searcher’s query.

These searching parameters ensure that when people are looking for something online, the websites that show up in their search results are the most relevant and useful to them. There are a few different ways to increase organic search traffic.

Lets look at a few ways we can that:

10 hacks to help boost your organic search traffic

1. Target Keywords That Match Intent

One way to increase organic search traffic is to target keywords that match the user’s intent. For example, if you sell shoes, you would want to target keywords like “buy shoes online” or “cheap shoes”. These are the kinds of keywords that people are searching for when they are looking to buy shoes.

What this does is it helps you to show up in the search results for the keywords that people are actually looking to use. This, in turn, will help to increase your organic search traffic. An immediate result from this would be an increase in clicks and also an improvement in your search engine ranking.

2. Increase social signals

Share your content on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. This will help to increase the visibility of your content and also create social signals that tell the search engines that your content is popular and worth ranking. In order to maximize reach, it is important to post your content on different social media platforms and also interact with users who have shared your content.

Social signals help to improve your SEO in two ways. Firstly, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook are incredibly popular and by sharing your content on these sites, you are increasing the chances that it will be seen by a large number of people. Secondly, when you share your content on social media, you are also creating backlinks to your website which tells the search engines that your site is popular and authoritative.

In order to maximize the SEO benefits of social media, it is important to post regularly and also interact with other users. By doing this, you will not only increase the visibility of your content but you will also build up a strong relationship with your audience.

3. Promote your website with blogger outreach

One of the best ways to get your website in front of a large audience is to work with bloggers who already have a large following. By doing this, you can get your content seen by a whole new group of people who might not have otherwise come across it.

There are a few different ways that you can go about doing this. One is to reach out to bloggers who write about topics related to your own and see if they would be interested in featuring your content on their site. Another option is to work with guest blogging sites that accept submissions from a variety of different authors.

Either way, make sure that you are only working with reputable sources that will help to promote your content in a positive light. This will ensure that you are able to reach the widest audience possible and that your content gets the attention it deserves.

4. Remove or update old content

As your blog grows, you will inevitably end up with some older pieces of content that are no longer relevant to your current focus. While it can be tempting to leave these pieces up in order to maintain a sense of continuity, it is important to make sure that your site only contains content that is relevant and useful to your readers. If you have any old posts that are no longer relevant to your blog’s focus, consider removing or updating them so that your site only contains the most useful and relevant information.

One of the best ways to keep your readers coming back for more is to make sure that your content is always fresh and up-to-date. While it can be tempting to leave out older pieces of content that are no longer relevant to your current focus, it is important to make sure that your site only contains information that is useful and relevant to your readers. If you have any old posts that are no longer relevant to your blog’s focus, consider removing or updating them so that your site only contains the most useful and relevant information.

5. Recreate blog posts as videos

Have you ever wished you could just hit “play” and have someone read your blog post to you? Well, now you can! You can easily turn your blog posts into videos using a simple screen recording tool like Camtasia or Screenflow.

Not only will this give your readers another way to consume your content, but it will also help you to reach a whole new audience. People love watching videos, and if you can add value by turning your blog content into videos, you’ll be able to reach a whole new group of people.

6. Target LSI keywords

You can find LSI keywords using a simple Google search. Just enter your keyword and scroll down to the bottom of the page, where Google will suggest similar keywords that you can use in your content.

What these keywords do is help Google understand your content better, and as a result, your content is more likely to rank higher in search results. Here are some LSI keywords that you can use in your content:

  • How to ____
  • Best way to ____
  • Easy ____
  • Tips for ____
  • Tricks for ____

By including LSI keywords in your content, you’re not only helping Google to understand your content better, but you’re also increasing the chances that your content will be found by people who are searching for it.

7. Optimize page titles

Your page title is the most important element on your page, so make sure it includes your target keyword. Your page title should be no more than 60 characters long, and it should include your target keyword near the beginning.

Optimizing page titles helps to ensure that your pages are relevant to the keywords people are searching for, and it also helps to increase your click-through rate from the search results.

8. Optimize images

Make sure to include keywords in your image file names and alt text. This will help search engines understand what your images are about, and it will also help people who can’t see pictures find your content.

Including keywords in your images will help them rank higher in the search results, and it will also help people with visual impairments find your content.

9. Try A/B testing your pages

If you’re not sure which version of a page is more effective, try A/B testing. This involves creating two different versions of a page and then showing each version to a different group of people.

You can then see which version performs better by looking at the engagement metrics (such as time on page, bounce rate, and conversion rate). A/B testing can be a great way to improve the effectiveness of your pages, and it’s something that all businesses should be doing.

What this does is it creates a focus on what the user is doing and how they are engaging with your content. This will help you to make changes that are more likely to improve the effectiveness of your pages.

For example, you might want to A/B test:

  • The headline of your page
  • The call to action (e.g., button text or CTA placement)
  • The images on your page
  • The length of your content
  • The layout of your page

This is just a small sampling of what you might want to test. The important thing is to start testing and see what works best for your business. A/B testing is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your pages, and it’s something that all businesses should be doing.

10. Reduce your bounce rate

Your bounce rate is the percentage of people who visit your site and then leave without taking any further action. A high bounce rate is generally a bad thing, as it means that people are coming to your site and not finding what they’re looking for.

There are a number of things you can do to reduce your bounce rate, but one of the most effective is to use A/B testing. By testing different versions of your page, you can find the version that is most effective at keeping people on your site and reducing your bounce rate.


SEO can be confusing for even the most experienced marketers. But by understanding the basics of how it works and using the right tools, you can make sure that your site is well-optimized and stands out from the competition. If you need help getting started, contact an SEO agency in Kolkata which will help you learn the ropes and get a running start on ranking your website. Thanks for reading!

We hope you found this post on SEO basics helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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